heya, how ya doin? i think just about all over the united states everyone is experiencing the hot & sticky weather. it's been melt down hot here in jersey. with out getting myself to worked up over the amount of stress & sadness i've been under for the 6 months i'm just saying it out loud now, i can't take any more!! i've put it all before the Lord, that's all i can do. prayers. i'm asking for lots of 'em. please pray for my family to stop being attacked by the enemy. we need peace to blanket us. thank you. today i'm sharing a make-do-kind-of PINK saturday. computer issues still after two months of my computer being in the shop. my files were saved with the virus. a "squad" of techie type geeks backed up the virus onto the disc that had all my files, documents, etc. now i can't reinstall the disc or i will install the virus. the pics i'm sharing came from my flickr page they are random items i have at my booth. please visit
beverly at how sweet the sound. check out all the other pinkies that share their pinkness too.